
For women

For ladies who Wish to Register

BeBe is not an adult entertainment business.

We are matchmaking arrangement club that provides a place of encounter for our members.

The gentlemen registered with BeBe, they are CEOs, doctors, lawyers, accountants andinvestors with annual income above 30 million yen ($280,000). And they are seeking an opportunity to meet a wonderful lady's from overseas who live in Japan.

When the gentleman looks at your web profile page and interested. They are offer to our clubs that would be meeting you by e-mail.Then we are set up to your meeting location and times.

Meeting location is public places that there are lobbies, lounges and bars of excellent hotel in the center of Tokyo(Roppongi) or Osaka(Umeda). Our staff could not go to with your meeting location.Please you should go to there by oneself and will meet the gentleman. However if you need to help something, we will do that before meet the gentleman.

Lot of the gentleman hope to stable love relationship with you and will be any kind of help thatif you want.Also there are no limitations on how you would like to form your relationship with him whether you would like to keep it like friendship by enjoying meal or shopping.

When you come to interview, please let us know what you are looking for and your ideal personwhom you would like to meet. We will introduce you to someone who closely matches you preference.

During go on a date with the gentleman.You do not need to pay anymore. So you will enjoy your date.

You are registering as a member only. Then you are not considered as an employee. So we do not compel you to go on a date with someone, also if you met him and you felt bad to him, whether you do not need to meet again. You will directly talk with him that you can form a relationship based on your terms and conditions.(The way in which to date someone that we introduced to you is up to you.)

Even if you can decline to his offer that he have to pay for you that transportation fee(Min 10000yen).Decline reason) non good feeling, mismatch of personality and condition mismatch etc...

We require registration at Roppongi office or Umeda office. For registration, we require a photo as your profile picture and proper identification (passport, alien registration card, etc.). We would also happily welcome registration as a group (with your friends).By registering with BeBe Roppongi, you will surely find the one you were looking for.

For ladies who would like to

  • Expand their social network in Japan
  • Have a Japanese boyfriend
  • Find a Japanese marriage partner
  • Go to tourist attractions in Japan with someone
  • Practice speaking Japanese
  • Be supported (rent, living costs) and live more comfortably
  • Get advice and be supported to achieve your dream and goals

Qualifications for Registration

1Ladies between 18 and about 45 years old who had passed the club's interview

※We still welcome ladies over 45 for those who are confident in their appearance as well as their inner beauty.
※We will consider those without photogenic photos or who are models on a case-by-case basis.

Those who have good manner,
can make promises and efficiently reply to communication from the club

We greatly welcome those who can be punctual with time, as well as first timers.

If you're even slightly interested, you can come in for an interview without any obligations.
Our staff will properly answer any doubts or questions you might have. Please feel free to contact us.

Process Flow - Registration to Meet Up

  • 1

    Tel or Email

    Reservation for date and
    time for the interview

  • ▶︎
  • 2

    Interview and Registration

    Complete registration
    if you wish

  • ▶︎
  • 3

    Take Photograph

    Create your profile

  • ▶︎
  • 4

    the Meet Up

    We will contact you

How to Apply

We conduct interviews at our Shibuya office, which is only done through appointments.
※Please bring an ID (one ID such as alien registration card, passport, etc.) for age verification.

  • 1)Please make an appointment via the registration form, email or telephone.
  • 2)On the day of the interview, we will create your profile and take your photograph.
  • 3)We will contact you and setup the meet up when one of our male clients views your profile and appoints you.
  • 4)On the day of, please enjoy a wonderful time on your date.
  • ※You can decide to register or not after the interview.
    ※Registration time differs for each person, but it usually takes about an hour.

※Our club does not interfere with the specific details of the relationship between our members; after being introduced, the two of you will be solely responsible, and to determine the terms and conditions of your relationship.

Regarding the Profile Picture

If you wish to register after the interview, we will take your profile photo.
※If you are hesitant about revealing your identity via profile photo, please consult with us during the interview.

Costs and Registration Fee

You will not incur any registration or annual fees. Please rest assured that you will not incur any fee for canceling your membership.

Prohibited Conducts

・Leaking secrets or information of our male clients to a third party or on the internet
・Conducts or behaviors that would jeopardize our club's standards
・Intentional conducts or behaviors that would be unpleasant to our male clients
・Canceling your date without permission or being significantly late
・Illegal conducts or crimes


・You will be immediately removed from our system if we determine that any of the aforementioned terms has been violated.
・You will be liable to compensate if you give any psychological or financial damages to our male clients or to our club as a result of the aforementioned conducts, or by any other means.
・We prohibit registration of anyone who is suspected of using drugs, etc., related to gangsters or those who fit similar criteria.

Please register from here